Pryzbyla Center, Catholic University of America
Washington, D.C.
We appreciate your participation in our 4th annual Gala & Silent Auction. Your contribution allows our school to provide a high-quality Catholic education to those who otherwise would not be able to afford it.
Placing an advertisement in our Silent Auction & Gala program is a wonderful way to support the auction and market your own business. You may also consider placing an Ad in memory of a loved one, or simply placing an Ad expressing your gratitude to the Benedictine Sisters, the faculty, or the parish.
Prices are as follows:
¼ page= $25.00 ½ page= $50.00
Full page= $100.00
*Cash or checks made payable to “St. Anthony Catholic School” are accepted.
We prefer that you email your Ad to [email protected] . If it is more convenient to
mail it in please send it to the school.
St. Anthony Catholic School, c/o Mr. Thomasian
3400 12th Street, NE
Washington, DC 20017
As always, thank you for your support and prayers.