St. Anthony Catholic Church and School will sponsor its 4th Annual Gala and Silence Auction on Saturday , June 14, 2014 at the Catholic University of American Pryzbyla Center. Please support St. Anthony and its students by donating items for the auction, even if you are not planning to attend. REMEMBER . . . donating is a WIN/WIN situation. You get free advertising, new customers and a tax deduction . . . we are able to raise money to provide support to St. Anthony Catholic School! Popular auction items include:
Gift certificates
Consulting services
Gift baskets
Sports equipment and memorabilia
Tickets to concerts and sports event
Yoga/ sports club membership
Donor or Company Name (to appear in listing):
Contact Name (if different):
Address: City: State: Zip code:
Day Phone:
Donation is from 5 Company 5 Personal
About the Item…
Donation is an/a 5 Item 5Service
Descriptive Item Title (to appear in listing) Please be as descriptive as possible. Include size, color, and any restrictions. Value $
All donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Receipts will be available.
Sorry, I am unable to donate an item but would like to make a cash or check donation in the amount of $ to support the students at St. Anthony (payable to St. Anthony Catholic School). If you prefer to donate by credit card, please contact Michael Thomasian at (202)526-4657, ext. 102 or [email protected] .
I would like to sponsor the event by placing a personal message or a business advertisement in the program. I will attach or email my advertisement.
¼ page= $25.00 ½ page= $50.00 Full page= $100.00
Enclosed is a donation for $______ ___
Visit our website at for more information and to access ONLINE bidding!
* All donations can be dropped off at St. Anthony Catholic School .. Items can also be picked up. * All donations with expiration dates will expire one year from the date of function (June 14, 2014), unless otherwise specified by the donor. The donation becomes the property of the Auction Committee. * The Auction Committee reserves the right to combine the item with other donated items.