During an Oct. 26, 2021 Mass celebrated by Cardinal Wilton Gregory for St. Anthony Catholic School in Washington, D.C., the recipient of the Consortium of Catholic Academies’ 2021 Ms. Paula Scholarship was announced. The scholarship honors Paula Nowakowski, a longtime chief of staff and aide to former House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio). She died in 2010. The 2021 Ms. Paula Scholar was announced as St. Anthony’s seventh grader Kiara Brown. Standing in this photo from left to right are Father Fred Close, pastor of St. Anthony Parish; Kevin Brown, Kiara’s father; Washington Cardinal Wilton Gregory; Kiara Brown, St. Anthony’s 2021 Ms. Paula Scholar; Sadiqa Brown, Kiara’s mother; and Michael Thomasian, the principal of St. Anthony Catholic School. (CS photo/Andrew Biraj)